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Flip-screen Emergency Operation Center

Flip-screen workstations and LCD/LED backlit video wall

In 2011, Americon was contracted to design, manufacture and commission a command post emergency management center at Scott Air Base, Illinois. We utilized our Communicator flip-screen workstations that were configured in V-shaped pods. This configuration allowed the responders to have line of site communication with all others along with the ability to view the video wall in the front of the room without visual obstructions.

We created the video wall from six 55" Ultra-thin mullion NEC industrial grade LCD/LED backlit flat panels. We also utilized a Jupiter video wall processor to create a single virtual palette that displays computer images, broadcast quality video, browser windows and network applications simultaneously.

Bill Farah, President

   "Doing for the client what is in his or her best interest,  is always in our best interest" - Bill Farah
   Read Bill's Blogs

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